Step 1: Department Head (or designee) writes to the Dean requesting approval for an Instructor appointment
Department Administrator:
- Completes QuickHire Form in PeopleSoft (or eTAD if candidate has already been in the HMS system, as referenced below),
- Submits materials electronically in one (1) PDF to the OFA at:
- Nominating letter based on template describing the candidate’s role in the department, including anticipated teaching responsibilities, confirmation of part-time or full-time status
- eTAD if candidate already has an HMS appointment (e.g., as a prior fellow)
- Documentation of eligibility criteria via the Academic Profile Form by confirming minimum teaching commitment, work location, and assignment of a mentor, among other key variables of the academic appointment
- Completed Academic Profile form for all new Instructors, both new hires and those who previously held a Harvard appointment.
- The Search ID# referencing a completed search from the Faculty Search Portal or ARIeS is required to be entered onto the form if the individual is external; search documents are not needed for a fellow transitioning to Instructor.
- CV in any format along with the basic CV information entered onto the Academic Profile Form. A Faculty of Medicine CV will be required upon first reappointment.
Step 2: OFA reviews submitted materials
- The OFA reviews and renders a decision regarding the proposed appointment
Step 3: Notification of approval
- Department Administrator has access to reporting data to confirm approval of the appointment/reappointment
- Department Administrator receives electronic notification when a Harvard University ID (HUID) has been created in the Harvard University system (for those individuals new to HU)
Last updated June 2024