If a faculty member intends to be away for an extended period of time, not exceeding three (3) months, the Department Head or designee should be notified and plans for coverage of academic and clinical responsibilities should be shared.
A faculty member who intends to be away for more than three (3) months will need approval from the Department Head and the Dean’s office for a leave of absence. There is no guarantee that a leave will be granted by the department or the Dean. The guidelines for requesting a leave of absence are as follows:
- A letter from the Department Head (or faculty member with written approval of the Department Head), outlining the duration and purpose of the leave should be submitted to the Office for Faculty Affairs (OFA) at facappt@hms.harvard.edu.
- Faculty may not obtain a leave of absence to work for another academic institution other than in a visiting or adjunct capacity.
- A letter of approval from the Dean’s office must be issued prior to commencement of the leave of absence.
- In accordance with the Harvard Corporation policy reaffirmed on October 6, 1975, leaves of absence will be granted for periods up to one (1) year with the possible renewal for one (1) more year. Leaves of absence will not be extended beyond two (2) consecutive years. Any appointment, tenured or otherwise, automatically terminates at the end of two (2) years’ leave of absence if the faculty member does not return.
- The request to renew the leave of absence should likewise provide a restatement of the purpose of the leave, particularly if the reason has shifted.
- Leaves of absence may be requested no more frequently than every seventh year.
- Granting of a leave of absence indicates that the position is guaranteed upon return of the faculty member to HMS/HSDM and, as applicable, the affiliated institution as long as the return is prior to the end of the leave period.
- Faculty who seek leaves of absence to work in the for-profit sector should consult with the Office for Academic and Research Integrity and/or their affiliate outside activities office regarding the application of the Faculty of Medicine Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Commitment.
- Faculty on LOA may not supervise Harvard medical students on clinical rotations while on leave.
- When referring to their titles, faculty should note that they are on a leave of absence. For example, a proper description would be Professor of Medicine (on leave AY 2022-24).
- For faculty who hold appointments at more than one Harvard school, a leave of absence from one Harvard school entails a leave from all Harvard schools.
Last updated June 2023