Step 1: Department assesses candidate’s qualifications for appointment
- The process begins with a meeting of the Department Head (or designee such as a mentor or Division Chief) and the candidate to review the candidate’s Faculty of Medicine CV in consideration of the criteria for nomination as Principal Associate
- Academic Department Heads are the only individuals who can propose candidates for appointment
- Candidate prepares CV in the required Faculty of Medicine format
- Department Head prepares a letter of nomination recommending the candidate for appointment. The letter of nomination should include a description of the candidate’s activities and overall contribution to the department, as well as justification for elevating the candidate to a 3-year appointment
- The candidate may be asked to provide a list of potential letter writers to the Department Head
- Department Head (not the candidate) solicits letters of evaluation (see step 3 below for dossier requirements)
Step 2: Department Head proposes candidate to the Department Executive Committee
- The Department Head reviews the candidate’s qualifications with members of the Departmental Executive Committee and, in the absence of an Executive Committee, senior faculty in the department, or both. The faculty provide feedback to the Department Head on the proposed candidate and may recommend that the appointment review move forward, that the Department Head obtain additional information, or that the department delay consideration pending achievement of other accomplishments by the candidate.
- The Executive Committee makes a formal recommendation in writing to the Dean supporting the candidate’s nomination. If there is any dissent or abstention, the letter to the Dean includes the reasons for either dissents or abstentions. If there is none, signature of the chair of the Executive Committee on the Principal Associate Cover Sheet will suffice.
Step 3: Department prepares and submits dossier to the OFA
Authorized departmental administrators should submit the following materials electronically via the designated HMS Dropbox folder that has been shared with them, and send a corresponding email to
- Principal Associate Cover Sheet, signed by the Department Head and the Executive Committee chair
- Medical Area Reporting System (MARS) Job summary, which should be consistent with information on the Faculty of Medicine CV
- The Department Head nominating letter
- Candidate’s CV in the Faculty of Medicine format
- All letters of evaluation solicited by the Department Head. There should be a minimum of three (3) letters, all of which should be written by HMS/HSDM faculty at the rank of Assistant Professor or above. Additional letters from others may be included if the writers have a unique and valued perspective on the candidate
- Candidates should not contact letter writers or potential letter writers directly; inquiries from letter writers should be directed to the Department
Step 4: OFA conducts detailed review of dossier
- Upon receipt of the candidate’s dossier, the OFA will request modification or additions as needed from the department
Step 5: OFA renders a decision
- OFA reviews and renders a decision regarding the proposed appointment
Step 6: Notification of approval
- The OFA informs the Department Head of the outcome via email
- The Department Head is responsible for notifying the candidate
Last updated June 2024