Professors without limit of time (WLT), of indefinite duration (OID), and of unspecified duration (OUD) differ as to the financial commitment of the University and the primary employer. A written communication from the primary employer should be transmitted to the Dean’s office and to the faculty member at the time of appointment to eliminate any ambiguity about the source and extent of financial obligation. Written commitments should make clear whether the professorial appointment is WLT, OID or OUD.
For appointments without limit of time (WLT)
For appointments without limit of time (WLT), the primary employer guarantees to the faculty member, academic salary and its associated fringe benefits until the death, resignation or retirement of the faculty member from the full-time appointment, subject to the Third Statute of the University. The minimum academic salary is currently set at $100,000. This guarantee may be backed by (a) University resources including endowments and other funds, or (b) commitments to the University from other institutions including affiliated institutions, government, and private foundations.
Even when there is a guarantee of support by the University (with or without the backing of another institution), salary support for Professors appointed without limit of time may come from several sources in addition to University or affiliated institution endowments, such as general funds, grants and contracts, and patient-care payments. The guarantor of the academic salary is only obligated to provide financial support if the faculty member’s support from all other sources falls below the minimum academic salary level.
For appointments of indefinite duration (OID)
For appointments of indefinite duration (OID), the primary employer has no obligation to provide continuing support of the faculty member’s salary. Instead, the faculty member assumes responsibility for the stability of support. Appointments of indefinite duration will be made only when there is a high likelihood of the faculty member having ongoing stable support from a variety of sources, including affiliated institution endowments, general funds, grants and contracts, and patient-care payments. The University reserves the right to set a terminal date in the event that funds to support the appointment from sources outside the University are not available.
So long as funding remains available, the academic appointment will continue until the Professor’s death, resignation or retirement from the full-time appointment, subject to the Third Statute of the University. If funding becomes unavailable and the appointing Department Head does not wish to continue the academic appointment, the primary employer must provide one (1) year’s notice of the end of the academic appointment and guarantee that the minimum academic salary and associated fringe benefits will continue during that year. The minimum academic salary and fringe benefits may come from several sources in addition to University or affiliated institution endowments, such as general funds, grants and contracts, and patient-care payments. The guarantor of the academic salary during the year of notice is only obligated to provide financial support if the faculty member’s support from all other sources falls below the academic salary level. Notification in writing must be sent to HMS and to the incumbent documenting the intention to terminate the appointment.
For appointments of unspecified duration (OUD)
Appointments of unspecified duration (OUD), i.e., appointments as Professor, Part-time, Professor of Clinical X (which is only Full-time), Professor in Residence (which is only Full-time), Professor of the Practice (Full-time or Part-time) or secondary appointments as Professor, no commitment of continuous institutional support from the hospital or other affiliated institution is required or expected. Professors of unspecified duration (OUD) require reappointment by the department every five years, documenting continuing contributions to the Faculty of Medicine.
Last updated June 2024