The following procedures are required for reappointment as Associate Professor:
- Associate Professors must be reappointed every five (5) years.
- The Department Head submits to the Office for Faculty Affairs (OFA) an updated CV in the Faculty of Medicine format and letter reviewing the faculty member’s contributions to teaching, research, clinical and administrative needs of the department, plans for academic contributions and the department’s expectations for the coming term. Department Heads will provide an update in the letter to the Dean regarding the academic trajectory for the faculty member and the likelihood of academic advancement. The letter should include an assessment of the level of productivity and the quality of the contributions as well as source(s) of funding.
- Department Head confirms that the current title reflects the obligations associated with a full or part-time appointment, that the faculty member has met the annual teaching obligation of 50 hours per year, and that the faculty member has complied with all faculty policies. Department Head documents the name of the faculty member’s mentor and the date of the most recent career conference.
Last updated June 2023