4.4. Member of the Faculty

Harvard Medical School

Section 4 Table of Contents

Newly recruited faculty who will be proposed for ladder faculty ranks above Instructor should be appointed as Members of the Faculty (MOF) while they await processing and review of their final academic titles. This appointment allows for activation of their Harvard ID and access to Harvard resources and enables tracking and management of their ladder rank review. MOF appointments are non-voting appointments and are granted for a term of one (1) year and can only be renewed for one (1) additional year.


Step 1: Department Head writes to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine requesting approval
  • Department submits materials electronically in one (1) PDF to the OFA at: facappt@hms.harvard.edu
    • QuickHire form in PeopleSoft for individuals external to HMS; eTAD for individuals who have held an appointment or position at HMS
    • Nominating letter includes the request effective dates of the holding appointment (typically 1 year in duration) and outlines the expected timeline for submission of materials for the rank appointment
    • A completed Academic Profile Form
      • The Search ID# referencing a completed search from the Faculty Search Portal or ARIeS entered on the Academic Profile Form, as required; If using the Faculty of Medicine Search Portal, all relevant fields and information must be completed and submitted prior to request of the Member of the Faculty appointment.
  • An updated CV in any format along with the basic CV information entered on the Academic Profile Form. A Faculty of Medicine CV will be required as part of the dossier submission requesting the rank appointment.
Step 2: Review by the OFA
  • The OFA reviews and renders a decision regarding the proposed appointment
    • Appointment may be renewed annually up to one (1) time (total of two (2) years of appointment). Renewals or extensions beyond two years are very rare and it is expected that complete appointment materials are received by the Office for Faculty Affairs no later than 18 months into the holding appointment.
Step 3: OFA provides notification of approval
  • Department Administrator has access to reporting data to confirm the approval of the appointment/reappointment
    • If new to Harvard University, Department Administrator receives electronic notification when an HUID has been created in the Harvard University system
  • New Member of Faculty appointees, along with Department Administrators, will receive a notice containing resources to assist with the completion of the appointment materials required for the consideration of a ladder-rank appointment. Periodic reminders will be sent until the appointment materials are received to ensure the holding appointments are not required for longer than 2 years.

Last updated June 2024