A visiting appointment is provided for individuals who are visiting the University to conduct research. They must have active appointments at another accredited academic or educational Institution. Visiting appointments are limited to a maximum of two full years.
Visiting Scholar is a paid or unpaid visitor who carries out their own work in association with a Harvard faculty member or members (ordinarily faculty members on leave from a scholarly post elsewhere).
Visiting Graduate Student is a graduate student working for a limited time period (e.g., during the summer or a single semester). The student MUST be registered in a graduate degree program at another institution during the academic year, and work should support their research degree requirements. Visiting graduate students should not perform clerical administrative or technical tasks (e.g., filing, glass washing) associated with technical staff positions.
Visiting Undergraduate Research Fellow is an undergraduate student working for a limited time period (e.g., during the summer or a single semester) The student MUST be registered in an undergraduate degree program at another institution during the academic year, and work should support their research degree requirements. The appointment is typically part-time for 6-12 months duration. Extensions beyond this period can be granted only for extraordinary and compelling reasons.
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow is a PhD or MD-level scholar who is working for a limited time period and involved in independent research or research that is supporting a department research initiative. The individual must be visiting from and hold a postdoctoral status with an outside institution or organization. This appointment is typically full-time for up to 1 year in duration. Extensions beyond this period can be granted only for extraordinary and compelling reasons.
Step 1: Department Head (or designee) requests approval for Visiting Undergraduate, Graduate, or Postdoctoral Fellow
Department Administrator completes the following materials and submits directly via PeopleSoft. Additional questions related to these appointments can be directed to OFA via acadappt@hms.harvard.edu:
- QuickHire Form in PeopleSoft
- Upload of materials to the QuickHire Form in Peoplesoft
- Candidate’s CV (does not need to be in the HMS format)
- Nominating letter describing the candidate’s role in the department
- Completed Visitor Participation Agreement
Step 2: OFA reviews New Hire form and submitted materials
- The OFA reviews and renders a decision regarding the proposed appointment
Step 3: Notification of approval and HUID
- Department Administrator has access to reporting data to confirm approval of the appointment/reappointment
- Department Administrator (QuickHire Approvers) receives electronic notification when an HUID has been created in the Harvard University system (new to HU)
Last updated June 2024