Step 1: Department Head writes to the Dean requesting approval for a Visiting Faculty appointment
Department Administrator completes the QuickHire form in PeopleSoft. Please submit materials electronically in one (1) PDF to the OFA at:
- Nominating letter to include:
- describing the need for the appointment
- the expectations of the individual
- the length of the appointment (not to exceed 12 months)
- their current title and role at their home institution
- documentation that they are on a leave of absence or Sabbatical from that role at their home institution
- Candidate’s CV (does not need to be in the Faculty of Medicine format)
- Academic Profile Form
- Signed Visitor Participation Agreement
Step 2: OFA reviews submitted materials
- The OFA reviews and renders a decision regarding the proposed appointment
Step 3: Notification of approval
- Department Administrator has access to reporting data to confirm approval of the appointment
- Department Administrator receives electronic notification when an HUID has been created in the Harvard University system (new to HU)
Last updated June 2024