10.3. Reappointment as Instructors

Harvard Medical School

Section 10 Table of Contents

The Instructor appointment may be renewed annually. The renewal is typically requested through the annual reappointment process (RAAP) that documents teaching hours and mentor conferences.

Process: Reappointment

Step 1: Department Head requests approval for reappointment as Instructor

Each Spring, the Department Head submits via the RAAP process by email to the OFA at: facappt@hms.harvard.edu and Dropbox

  • A MARS-generated spreadsheet that includes the following information:
    • The faculty member’s teaching hours from the prior year
    • Confirmation of the current mentor name
    • Date of the most recent annual career conference
  • HMS-formatted CV, ideally in the Faculty of Medicine CV Generator. Note that for the first reappointment of Instructors and Lecturers initially appointed in 2025, having a CV in the CV Generator will be required.
Step 2: OFA reviews submitted materials
  • The OFA reviews and renders a decision regarding the proposed reappointment
Step 3: Notification of approval
  • Department Administrator has access to reporting data to confirm approval of the reappointment

In addition, every five (5) years the department will conduct a formal review beyond the annual career conference and will submit documentation of the review to the Dean.

Process: 5 Year Review

Step 1: Department Head requests approval for reappointment as Instructor

Every 5 years, the Department Head submits the following materials by email to the OFA at: facappt@hms.harvard.edu

  • Letter describing the candidate’s role in the department, including teaching responsibilities, candidate’s potential for academic advancement, and statement of integrity and professionalism in addition to confirmation of items listed below.
    • Candidate holds active hospital appointment at primary affiliate (those appointed through an affiliated institution)
    • Candidate has been re-credentialed (if a clinical appointment)
    • Distribution of effort by job location
    • Current teaching activities
    • That candidate not currently serving as a trainee (Some faculty will seek additional, part-time training through a fellowship program while still primarily serving as a faculty member. Departments will be asked to explain the percent effort dedicated to this additional training role in determining whether the Instructor or Fellow title is appropriate.)
    • Name of candidate’s mentor
    • Date that the annual career conference was completed
    • That HMS policies have been re-reviewed with the candidate
    • Conflict of Interest forms on file with the department are up to date
    • Candidate’s current home address, phone and email
  • Candidate’s CV in the Faculty of Medicine format, including documentation of teaching activities
Step 2: OFA reviews submitted materials
  • The OFA reviews and renders a decision regarding the proposed reappointment
Step 3: Notification of approval
  • Department Administrator has access to reporting data to confirm approval of the reappointment

Last updated June 2024